The Personal Compass


At the onset of this chapter of the Calm One, Calm All project we focussed on building a tool called the Personal Compass. This is framework is designed for individuals to add or edit guiding questions in order to create a resource that specifically applies to themselves and their life.

The Personal Compass is a spreadsheet with a series of questions that support a deep check in at different layers of oneself with a rating system from 1-10 to observe changes over time. As a community, we do this quarterly at the time of season change and discuss what we observe, what is moving and ways to develop and grow.

We focus at these different layers of self because humans are more than just individuals. We are social creatures, a herd animal in fact, with huge influence from the groups we are part of on our behavior and identity. The Personal Compass is designed to get each of us remembering and thinking about ourselves beyond the individuated self to become more consciously engaged in our holistic growth and vitality by expanding attention to all levels. Working with the Personal Compass is meant to aid in strengthening clarity of direction and proactivity in living an enriched life and serve as a ripple effect to encourage the development of others.

Layers of Self Framework:

  1. the individual

    1. inner: who you are at your core

    2. outer: how you show up in the world and are perceived by others

  2. the groups we are part of

    1. inter-personal groups where boundaries are not usually kept that prevent the fullness of someone from showing up

    2. groups where it does make sense to have some boundaries (such as work)

  3. the community/place where a person lives of belongs

  4. the larger world and fields of endeavor that you feel connected to and part of that is issue-based, not place-based

  5. the universe (think of the concept of oneness)

Doing this deep dive check in enables a conscious engagement and listening to support the fullness of ourselves to grow and become healthier. In the Calm One, Calm All community we call this “going to full blossom.” When we are consciously tending to these different layers of self (and not just one or two while letting others atrophy) the result is a feeling and state of health and vibrance that is akin to a flower with its layering of petals opening fully. This is a first order aim we hold for ourselves.

The other immense value of this regular reflection is the value of carrying it out within a community. Often we cannot clearly see the different layers of ourselves and it helps to converse and process with others who might see what we don’t. In addition, a nurturing and caring community activates and builds will for all to become their higher selves.

Please contact us if you’re interested in being part of this developmental community experience by joining one of the Personal Compass sessions.


Practicing Clean Pain